Thursday, April 28, 2011


Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part 2! July 15th!!

Watch it you won't regret it. It gave me goosebumps!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Marcus and Jace

Jace got a suit for Christmas so he could be just like his Daddy. This are
some of the ones that I liked out of our little photo shoot.
These two are heart breakers! This one is my favorite!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Truck Full

A truck full of gifts.

Eleven needy families.

An unforgettable night just because of these two...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dirty Socks

I had an experience last Sunday that has made me take inventory of my life. This experience has made me realize I have so much to be thankful for and here is just to name a few.

My Parents
Words can't justify the gratitude I have for them.

My Brothers and Sisters
I am thankful for all the times I have been teased or asked to babysit.

For helping through times when I was being dramatic
and thought my world was going to end.

The Gospel
This has taught me about love and service. It gives me something to live for.
It make me happy and it wipes any worries have from my mind.

Swiping of the Card and it works.
This one is weird I know, but it is comforting that I can go to the grocery store
and I know that I am going to able to afford food for myself.

A Clean Smelling Home
I love when my Mom has a random candle burning,
even if it is the awful pine scent.

Married Parents
They have been married for over 43 years. They fight, but I can
see the love they have for each other.

Clean Clothes
I love the smell of clean clothes especially bleach. I am thankful that I can pull
out of my drawers or closest and I know that they are clean.

Too bad it took me 21 years and little girl to come to church in dirty socks and old clothes to make me realize I have so much to be thankful for in my life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Lab

This is going to be a quick post because I am suppose to be working on a paper.

Lately, I have been doubting whether I will stay interested in Landscape Architecture. Plus I have been thinking about how tough and rigorous the program is and whether or not I would be able to cut it in it.

Just know did I realize I am actually interested in this kind of stuff. I was reading about curb extension and now how they are using them in Oregon to capture storm water runoff and I was captivated. I saw a picture of frame work for the curb and it made me excited. Who gets excited about sustainability?

I am a freak!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Person I want to be

Today in Relief Society I had the overwhelming thought of what kind of person do I want to be and the first thing that popped into my mind was my Mother. She has so many character traits that I want. I want my future children to be as lucky as I am.

Caring. There hasn't been point in her life where she hasn't been serving someone. Her belief is that when you are helping someone you are happier. So though she never has her own personal time she is the happiest person I have ever met. Which brings me to the next one....

Happiness, it seems to radiate right off of her. She is always smiling. When I had to go the plastic surgeon, he told my Mom that he could get rid of her wrinkles. She politely turned him down. I was proud of her because those wrinkles shows the type of life she has.

Her ability to love makes her stand apart the most. Us kids were not easy on her and still she loves us. She was never allowed to have anything nice because we would destroy it, but that never mattered to her. She loves her family. She takes care of us. She will do anything for anyone of us. Her love doesn't stop with her family, it moves to the neighbors or anyone that she comes into contact with.

The Gospel has always been a part of her life. She has an unwavering testimony and she isn't afraid to share it. Everyone that meets her can see it in her eyes. No matter the topic of conversation she can bring it back to the church. Though at times we tease her about that, I really do love it about her. She truly has centered her life around Christ.

She has raised eight kids while working full time and she helped my Dad run the Donut Shop. While doing that she never complained about a single thing. She is the strongest woman I will ever know.

I just hope that I can be half of the woman, wife, and mother she is.I LOVE YOU MOM!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My front porch

Every morning the past couple of weeks I have sat out on my porch waiting for a ride to work and this is Erda that I have come to love...
The beat is the sound of a sprinkler in the near by hayfield. The hint of wet grass that come in the slow, cool breeze. Watching the sun slowly come up over the mountain making it seem like everything is starting over again. The occasional rooster announcing the coming day. There isn't a sound of a car to interrupt the quietness, just the sound of a country life. Simple, happy yet full of trials and hard work.
Erda will always be my home.