So on Sunday we had a bit too much energy for our own good. We were out of control. I was plotting against Heather because of an earlier instance that involved certain things that shouldn't be discussed now. I couldn't think of anything that would truly get her back until she walked into the bathroom. In that moment I received a revelation. Why not simple lock her in there? Kayt and I frantically searched for something that we could use to tie the door to another object. Finally, Kayt pulled out large rubber band and it fit perfectly. Tying the door to our closet we successfully had locked her in there. She was in there for a bit and she never said a word, all we heard was the flushing of the toilet. Later she told us that she had a difficult time keeping quiet when Abi tried to crawl over to the door and tried to look under it. She misread the distance and ran her head into the door. It was hilarious. We laughed until we cried.
After a long time of silence from the bathroom we decided that we should let poor Heather out from her chamber. She just walked out and went to bed. She wasn't too happy and we realized that we had left her in there for 40 minutes.
We haven't ever felt that bad in our whole entire lives. So we wrote her a sorry letter and told her that we will accept any punishment that we have coming to us.
We are still waiting for the flour in the hairdryer.
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