Saturday, February 13, 2010

Box of Chocolates....

The famous line from Forest Gump, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get." This line, that has been repeated and repeated since it came to theaters, is now something that I honestly believe. My life has been a different kind of chocolate everyday. I wake up in the morning and I don't know what the day has in store for me. I think of tomorrow and I wonder what will happen. Is it going to be awkward, normal, or am I going to find something to cause drama in my life? (Because I love drama)

I have now begun to worry about things I have no power over and what most people wouldn't have a second thought about. It has gotten the point where I have forgotten how to live in the moment. Instead of taking charge and doing something about it, I'll sit and fret about it. I have wasted my life worry about these things. I now know it is time to take charge of my life. I am going to do it the best way I know how. I have a great example in my life and she always has a theme for each year and I am going to instill that into my life.

3 Nephi 13:34- "Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for things of itself..."

I am going to stop worrying about things because I know that my Heavenly Father is in control. I have faith that the worries I have will be resolved, though they won't be in the time frame I would wish, it will all work out for the best.

Because life is like a box of chocolates......and I can't wait to see what I get next!


  1. Mill, what a beautiful post. You are amazing. Don't forget it. Take no thought for the morrow! That scripture got me through last year. It's a lesson we all have to learn at some point. I know exactly where you've been, and will probably be there again soon. I love you! Don't worry, be happy! ;)

  2. I agree with Heather. I think that is probably one of the most important lessons we have to learn in life, and unfortunately it usually takes a lot of reminders to get it through our heads (myself very much included). All God asks of us is that we give it our very best. The rest has already been made up by the Savior. He knows exactly what we are going through, plus a lot more, and he wants so much to help us if we just turn to him and take a step towards him, even though sometimes that step is into the dark. He's got you covered. There's no reason to worry or be afraid. He wouldn't have sent you here if you could not succeed.
