The other night someone mentioned to me that I am more out going now and they liked it. Since that night I have been thinking a lot about what has brought me to this point in my life and what has made
In high school I was dead set on playing some sport in college. The first opportunity was soccer, Westminster. Unfortunately, they didn't have enough money in the scholarship fund to pay for my tuition so that went out the door. Though I wasn't happy I knew that basketball was still in my back pocket.
Two schools looked at me. One even invited me to scrimmage with his team. The College of North Western Wyoming. That two day experience was probably one of the worst times in my life. Not to be dramatic, but at the time it seemed like it. To work your butt off for four hours and just after a seven hour car ride and to get "we are going to take a look at another girl and than will let you know." Those words devastated me. Soon after that a four year school, William Penn University in Iowa, came knocking. He offered me the point guard position on his team. My dream was right there before me, but my brilliant father had this to say, "I don't think that you were meant for college sports. I believe that your place is Utah State. You need to meet someone there. Whether you are going to marry them or whether you are suppose to help each other I do not know, but you need to be in Logan."
So with my Father's advice I am here in Logan where I believe I was suppose to meet the amazing girls of room 408. Brooke, Sara, Abi, Kayt, and Heath. I believe it was in those short few months that I became who I am today. Though we have gone our separate ways these girls will always hold a special place in my heart. I always look back on those months and smile. Helping me with make-up or picking out my clothes for the next day. Or even someone doing my nails to have me mess them up two seconds later.
I don't want anyone to think that those who had been in my life before this time didn't have an effect on me (like family or friends), but this is when I changed the most.
So thank you Snow 408! Thank you for helping me become a lady :) and helping me find some self-confidence. Your presence in my life will never be forgotten.