Saturday, May 16, 2009

Five Years....

Wow how time flies. I still cannot believe that it has been five years. I still remember it like yesterday, but now I can look back and not let sadness completely overcome me. I do miss my big, bear of a brother, but I have realized that I need to be happy. He would want to me to be happy.

These next stories as so that I don't forget him and so that I can share who I thought my brother, Winston was. How I saw him.

The earliest memory I have of him is when I would watch him run track. I would sit in those bleachers once a week with my Mom and watch him run. He was the fastest person that I have ever seen. (He still holds the record at Tooele High). Back than he had longer hair or I should say that he had hair. When he would run his hair would fly back and you could see it flapping in the wind as he would run pass all of his opponents.

I loved to watch him and I so much wanted to be like him. It was to the point that I even did track. I ran the same events: 100 M, 200M, 4 X 100 M. While at track I learn so of the tactics that he used. Apparently, when he would get into the block he would bark like a dog to throw off everyone. That is how he got the nickname Mad Dog. I was tempted to do that as well, but I was too chicken.

After he served his mission we got to spend sometime together. He had to go to an appointment out at Mag corp where he worked and he brought me along. That is the first time that it was just the two of us. We took the hour drive out there and talked the whole time. I don't remember what it was that we talked about, but I do remember laughing a lot. After the appointment we went to this little food joint in Grantsville where he brought me lunch.

The next and last time it was just the two of us is when he got his Toyota 4 Runner. He wanted to show it off to me so together we went to the donut shop and picked up the money. On the way back he was showing me his surround sound. Enya's "Anywhere is" was playing. He turned it up really loud and called it his own bubble because he couldn't be interrupted by the things of the world.

I think back on that moment and I remember how happy he was. He was a new father to my nephew Gabe (who looks just like his father) and he was in a happy marriage with his wonderful wife, Ann.

That is how I remember him. His giant smile that he wore all of the time. The great "bear hugs" that he would give. And how he was the one that kept our family together. You could expect a call from him every Sunday. He loved to no end and he was patient and kind.He was a proud of father of two children who will never know him. But, I know that he loved them and still looks after them. He was the heart and soul of my family.